The Modern Rite[1] philosophical structures, meted on June 12, 2011, in Barcelona Valleys agree to set up a cooperation, consultation and coordination organism among them to be called:
“Masonic Universal Union of the Modern Rite - UMURM
And it’s going to function with complete respect of liberty and independence of philosophical structures that are composing it.
Based on the absolute liberty of conscience and thinking as principles, located on Barcelona, and presided by the Sovereign Great General Inspector of Supremo Conselho do Rito Moderno – Brazil, José María Bonachi Batalla, this “Masonic Universal Union of Modern Rite” is going to act in benefice of its members with the next objectives:
To sponsor, disseminate and promote, the uses and customs of the Modern Rite
Encourage interaction and harmony among its members in order to practice a truly Universal Freemasonry.
Being a plural forum for dialogue and exchange in pursuit of creating a true Union Center regardless of territorial, obediential, or ritualistic specificities.
Facilitate rapprochement between philosophical structures of Modern Rite by mutual recognition without any discrimination.
Develop a workflow and subjects of reflection in conjunction between their structures.
The “Masonic Universal Union of the Modern Rite” is going to be opened at any philosophical structure practicing Modern Rite in its Five Orders of Wisdom that solicits the entrance, once it initiate filiations will be contrasted.
UMURM Members
The “Masonic Universal Union of the Modern Rite” incorporates the creation of an
with two principal missions:
To be a laboratory of thinking that reflection about the sense, philosophy, values and the ethic corresponding Modern Rite.
To be an Academy of the Rite with a capacity to investigate and disseminate, able to assume the role of a true conservatory of Modern Rite, and finally advise any Supreme Council, Great General Chapter or any other Philosophical Structure that require it.
This Academy is going to function without territorial or obediential limits, without a normative volition, respecting the absolute independence of each one of their members.
This Academy is going to be opened at any Sovereign Potency, Independent Chapter, but also as personal and individual to any holder of the 5th. Ord. of Wisdom of Modern Rite, expressing their desire to be part of it and demonstrate with documents the possession of their titles.
Supremo Conselho do Rito Moderno – Brazil
Gran Capítulo General de España – Supremo Consejo del Rito Moderno para España.
Sublime Conseille du Rite Moderne pour la France
Gran Capítulo General del Gran Oriente de Colombia
Note: Other philosophical structures present approved the content and submit it pending ratification by their respective administration chambers.
[1] Known as French Rite among others.